For every preference criterion (e.g. Completeness, Reliability), you can:
Set a global filter: any source-entity used in the result paths
will have a preference value lying between the selected interval.
Example: In the screen capture, the global filter for completeness has been
set to allow only source-entities for which the Completeness (value taken
from the user's preferences) lies between 4 and 10.
Set an entity specific filter: Any source containing this entity
in the result paths will have a preference value lying between the selected
interval. Of course, an entity specific filter interval has to be included
in the global filter interval.
To remove an entity specific filter, use the button on the right of the
filter slider
Example: In the screen capture any source-entity related to Disease will
have a completeness preference value lying between 5 and 10.
To get this preference window, use the menu Filters / Filters on
Remark: Only the entities selected for the query will appear
in this window.